Sunday, October 21, 2007

Duke's use of iPods

Duke university first started using iPods last year. They distributed about 1600 iPods preloaded with orientation material to all new incoming first-year students. The students are supposed to keep the iPods up and use them in whatever classes require them. Next year they plan on just focusing on giving the iPods to students who sign up for a specific class that the teacher feels can use the iPods.
The teachers seem to be as thrilled with this embrace of new technology as the students. Some of them are recording their lectures so the students can download them to their iPods. Others are letting the students look up stuff that relay to their lectures or discussions in class. All in all, it seems to be a way of keeping the students and teachers more in contact with one another and the educational information at the students fingertips no matter where they are.
As far as using iPods in my teaching, honestly I have not had a chance to play around with an iPod and am not very familiar with what an iPod is capable of, so I cant really say how it would be helpful. But I am checking into them and will probably have one before Christmas.